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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Riffe Bungee would interest you. Bungees are standard with any blue water hunting. These bungees offers gradual resistance reducing the chance of the spear tearing out and helping you land your trophy fish.

Riffe Bungee Float Lines are made of a rubber that is UV & environment protected against sunlight, heat and rotting. With 227KG or 550 lb test parachute chord inside for strength. The bungee float line stretches 2.5 times its original length.
It is not recommended to use Blue Water Bungees around sharp surfaces. Used separately or in conjunction with a vinyl float line. when hunting big game these really do make a huge difference.

Adding a ice pick (slip tip) will greatly increase your chances of landing bigger fish.


Available Lengths:

25ft. (7.6m)
50ft. (15.2m)
75ft. (22.9m)
100ft. (30.5m) For more information, please click Here Regards,
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Monday to Friday
9am till 5.30pm
Auckland 0632
New Zealand
Saturday & Sunday
9am till 5.00pm