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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Mares Plana Avanti Tre Fin would interest you. The Avanti Tre diving fins have a blade length that varies from 31 to 37.5 cm depending on the size. The fins have a closed, orthopaedic shoe. The design and construction materials of the Avanti Tre diving fins make them ideal for recreational diving but also for snorkelling in warm waters.
The thermoplastic rubber foot pocket has an orthopaedic design that allows it to be used barefoot or with neoprene socks. The shape that wraps around the instep and the part above the heel have a border of differentiated thickness for prolonged use.
Made with Channel Thrust technology, which deforms the channels during the flat phases, increasing the size of the blade and consequently the thrust.
This makes finning easy and effective.

Available from size 36 to 46 in yellow, blue and black.
The main features of the Avanti Tre diving fins are:

• Foot pocket with orthopaedic design
• 3 channels for maximum thrust
• Medium sized blade built to last
• Stabilising fins

  For more information, please click Here Regards,
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New Zealand
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