Are Crayfish Snares Legal?

Recreational use of hand operated lassoes for harvesting lobster and crayfish in New Zealand waters.

What is a hand operated lasso?

A hand operated lasso also known a cray sneer is defined a  a sneer, lasso or noose attached to a length of tubing that is used to take Rock lobster by placing it over the lobster and drawing it tight.

Where and when can i use a hand operated lasso?

Recreational fishers can use a hand operated lasso to harvest a lobster in all New Zealand from 1 October 2009.

Why can i now use a hand operated lasso?

The New Zealand Recreational Fishing Council along with the National Rock Lobster Management Group supported the changes to regulations to allow the user of hand operated lassoes.
Current research suggest properly used lassoes cause fewer injuries to lobster than hand gathering, which in an already permitted method.


Are there any constraints on the type of lasso i can use?

Yes -  you cannot use a lasso that is

  • Spring loaded this is defined as a loop that is drawn by tight springs pr any other trigger mechanism or
  • Constructed in a way that if used is likely to puncture penetrate, cut or otherwise damage the tail or body of a rock lobster.
  • Additionally you must not possess a rock lobster while in a position of one of these prohibited lassoes.
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PHONE 09 377 0896
Unit 12/2 Tawa Drive
Monday to Friday
9am till 5.30pm
Auckland 0632
New Zealand
Saturday & Sunday
9am till 5.00pm