Custom Speargun Package

NZD $268.00 Price Including GST
NZD $233.04 International Tax Free

Best price, best value, best quality speargun package available

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Spearguns and Polespears, All Packages, Spearfishing Packages


Customise your own Speargun Package

Customise your own speargun package by selecting your choice of speargun, float and float line. A great way to get a value packed speargun package at an affordable price.  All equipment is great quality and comes with factory warranties. If you need help with your selection please email or call 09-377-0896 so we can assist you.


All the guns are selected are rigged with 16mm rubbers, which is ideal for starting out or for the most experienced spearo wanting a good gun to shoot closer ranges targeting smaller fish like Butterfish. When selecting your gun size the guns below 100cm in length are really good for temperate waters (Wellington, South Island) or for new divers getting into spearfishing. A shorter gun is also great for waters where the visibility is not the best.
The longer guns from 110cm and bigger are ideal for cleaner waters with better visibility. They have better range, can be used for longer shots, and if you can get closer enough, a good Kingfish.

1. Mares Bandit Rail Speargun
Available in 55cm, 75cm, 95cm, 110cm, 120cm

2. Freedivers Snapper Speargun
Available in 70cm, 90cm, 100cm 110cm & 120cm

3.Rob Allen Cobia Speargun
Available in 50cm, 70cm, 80cm, 90cm, 100cm, 110cm

Float line

This is a floating synthetic rope with a stainless threader and swivel, the threader is for threading your catch on, and the swivel reduces tangling. All ends are spliced and covered with a protective cover. Selecting a float line should be done by how deep you can safely dive or with new divers restrict them by having a shallower float line.

Available in 10m, 15m & 20m length


A good float is the inflatable Widowmaker float. If you are after a strong, durable float then you cannot go past the Ocean Hunter plastic hard float. They have ends that swivel to eliminate tangling. It is recommended that you use a dive flag which is called the “complete float” The added advantage with a plastic float it has a built-in line winder and detachable dive flag.

1. Widow Maker Inflatable Float

2. OH Basic Float

3. OH Complete Float



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